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Paula Gunning
Karma Coins: 5 345

Good for you! We all want to improve ourselves this year. This is my 5th day, and I’m down 2 pounds. The detox fatigue and headache is nearly gone now. Even when away from home, this diet is fairly easy to maintain. There are meals salads and snacks that are transportable. I’ve also found the salad bar at the larger grocery chains helpful when I’m out of town.

I am currently using the sample Phase 1 menu. Maybe the flavors are too sophisticated for a farmer’s wife to appreciate. I was unable to choke down some of the smoothies. Also, some of the other recipes containing fresh ginger or turmeric were too spicy. The foods I had to purchase on the shopping list added almost $100 to my weekly expenses, so I am looking forward to using the approved foods in more familiar ways starting next Monday.

I don’t know how to send friend requests, but would like to send one to you since we are starting at about the same time. Paula