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Jessica Romeo
Karma Coins: 17 256


Yes going super low calorie for too long is not a good thing. However the Phase 1 portion of this plan should not have to last long enough for this to happen. Also be sure that you are adding additional calories if you have particularly more active days. You will definitely be feeling sluggish and lower your metabolism even further if you don’t account for activity. If you are feeling really exhausted and hungry I would add in an extra meal or 2 when needed. Every person is different so in my opinion it is tough to say that everyone should go on a super low calorie plan. Even if you don’t hit your weight goal in the 90 days that Phase 1 should max out at, when you do phase 2 I think you will find yourself still losing, because you will be shocking your body with the re-introduction of some healthy carbs such as sweet potatoes.

I am glad that you are feeling great!