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Ashley Mead
Karma Coins: 815

We finally started this week after Valentine’s Day so we wouldn’t have to face a huge “holiday” obstacle in the beginning. We’re on Day 3 and doing better than I expected. And my poor husband has been surrounded by girl scout cookies at work all day! I picked him up for a midday walk to hopefully relieve some tension from sheer will power. Lol! He’s been on facebook getting all kinds of details for this diet. I don’t have facebook but have been considering getting another account for this. So, I’m curious about caffeine on this diet? I get the no sugar, low carb and low cal thing, but it looks like tea isn’t allowed?? Which is interesting to me because I’m a big green tea drinker (solid hot green tea, nothing added) and it’s always helped to curb appetite for me in my diets. I’ve done my share of diets and still follow health gurus and get all kinds of clean recipes from them often and this diet is very similar to them. The only reason I’ve gained so much weight in such a short period of time is because I shot my thyroid being on a stimulant for the last 4 years and now my body is playing catch up and hates me! lol I finally got off the stimulant last summer because it was becoming a huge problem for me. I knew I’d gain a ton of weight because I tried getting off of it before and gained a ton of weight in just a few months, but this time it’s even worse. Health and fitness has been a priority of mine for most of my life and I thought I could handle getting off the stimulant for good and keeping my weight down. I was doing really good at first but then I moved and had to quit my job because of the thyroid issues. It’s been a whirlwind to say the least!