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Vanessa Niemi
Karma Coins: 9 110

Hi August. If you are still hungry look to lean proteins like salmon, chicken and shrimp. You can eat 6oz of salmon for 160 calories. Eat that with a big salad or a whole can of green beans for something easy. Eat a couple hard boiled eggs. A cup of raw carrots with that will fill you up for awhile. Fat and protein will keep you full. I eat raw almonds and avocados for fat. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts are also a Big Bang for your caloric buck.
A nice protein shake in the morning will help keep you full. My favorite is the almond coffee one (plain Greek yogurt, unsweetened chocolate almond milk, protein powder, coffee, almond butter).
We are all here to support each other so if you have more questions ask in the forums!!