News Forums PS1000 Plan Phase 1 Week 2 Challenge Reply To: Week 2 Challenge


Karma Coins: 0

Janice – Staying on track is always worth it even if you don’t see the numbers on the scale move down. It is a congratulatory pat on the back that you have embraced your new healthy lifestyle. You go girl!As for the second week being more difficult – you will find that the day to day will go up and down and some incidents will definitely make your mind focus on food than others. It is a nasty trick our minds play on us. When I start thinking too much about food, I redirect myself with a quick walk around the block, working a bit on my favorite hobby, or visiting the fb page for a little encouragement from the great support there. I still find it a challenge to stay on plan when I am in a social setting that involves food full of fats and sugars but with a little clever advance planning (like you did) we can find ourselves enjoying the experience AND being proud of ourselves when the evening is over. Keep up the great work and good luck on your weigh in. Just remember to count those non-scale victories as well.