News Forums PS1000 Plan Phase 1 Drops Reply To: Drops


Karma Coins: 0

I do my drops a bit differently than recommended. I am just getting started but will see how it works when I weigh after week 1. I take the first dose about 2 hours after I get up as I am on some medications that I don’t want to lose their affect by the drops. Then I take second dose mid afternoon so the hours work out evenly. I take the B drops after my afternoon dose. My last doe is usually around 7:30 or 8:00 at night. I did this because I had been binge eating at night and hoped the drops would help. I like that dosage so far as it seems that after I take the last dose, I get sleepy and no longer have the munchies. If that helps me with this, I will keep on.

I think we just need to find our own correct times.
