News Forums PS1000 Plan Phase 1 Family not onboard Reply To: Family not onboard


Paula Gunning
Karma Coins: 5 345

There are two of us wearing braces, so nuts and jerky are not options. Dried fruit (hard to find with no added sugar) disappears like candy around here. So does the Melba toast and hard-boiled eggs. We always have apples, but they are not raided because they must be peeled and sliced first. Oranges, strawberries, and blueberries
go fast, too. Recently the kids have discovered guacamole and salsa, which they eat with organic corn chips. At least they no longer have a taste for yogurt now that it is plain. Unfortunately, my husband still goes to the store at least once a week (without telling me) to buy sweets. I always ask HIM if he wants anything from the store. I’ve even asked him to let me know (my shopping list-in-progress is posted on the fridge.) He says that he doesn’t have a plan and just goes. Last night he came home with cinnamon bread, donuts, white bread, and pie. 🙁