4 replies, 5 voices Last updated by Sharon Skapura 5 years, 10 months ago
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    Carol Shuart
    Karma Coins: 1 305

    End of week 3. Down 9.8 lbs and 15 total inches. I kind of thought the weight loss would be a higher number but I’m happy overall. Feeling great!! It’s funny how your mind plays with you. My mind sees myself as Wonder Woman as I’m leaving the gym. I get home to shower, look in the mirror and see The Blob. LOL I’ve got to keep my mind on the Wonder Woman and away from The Blob.


    Rochelle Vann
    Karma Coins: 1 250

    Congratulations on your weight loss! I have the same issue with mirrors. And cameras are even worse! I’ll be feeling all slim and cute and then someone shows me a picture they just took of me and I’m like “who’s that? I’m not that fat!” Here’s to focusing on the slim sexy Wonder Woman!


    T Love
    Karma Coins: 715


    I hope all is well. I’m starting my third week. My weight loss is steady and as long as it’s going down, I’ll be happy. Would love to hear how it’s going for you.


    Angela Demma
    Karma Coins: 3 110

    I also have body image issues..years of being told I was not good enough..well even at 34-24-34 I was not good enough..now here I am down 14 then stress hit and I gained 7lbs back and I am going to start again Monday. I know we can do this and do not let your blob thoughts win. WE are so much more than an image.
    Be proud of your loss and keep moving day by day. Self sabotage is the worst..lol I am so good at it.
    you are wonder woman 🙂


    Sharon Skapura
    Karma Coins: 2 455

    Stay strong …slow and steady wins the race!

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