News Forums Newcomers Start Here A little something for me

7 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Linda O’Brien 8 years, 1 month ago
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    Jennifer Daniels
    Karma Coins: 3 755

    I just joined and can not wait to start. I would like to rid myself of 50 pounds but this time I would like them to stay gone. I cannot wait to see where this takes me.


    Karma Coins: 0

    Congratulations on beginning this journey! I was reading through some motivational literature – there’s a lot out there focusing on New Years Resolutions and how to be successful at keeping them (guess it’s that time of the year). I decided that this program is a New “lifestyle” Resolution. And it is one I am excited to incorporate into my life. Wishing you the best!


    Jennifer Daniels
    Karma Coins: 3 755

    I agree this is not something I do just to reach one goal this is something I will do to give me the rest of my life. I plan on this being my forever life plan.


    Paula Gunning
    Karma Coins: 5 345

    Welcome! I’m only on day 5, so I’m new too. This diet seems very “do-able” and sustainable. I look forward to reading your future posts. I experienced a detox period, which seems to subsiding now (fatigue, headache). If you also experience these things, remember-they do subside!


    Jennifer Daniels
    Karma Coins: 3 755

    I just got my drops look out world here I come. This is going to be the best new year ever because I am resolving to be good to myself and eating poorly and not exercising is not being good to myself. I am not going to focus on the destination but all that I can see and learn as I embark on this journey.


    Paula Gunning
    Karma Coins: 5 345

    Time to take the plunge! Come on in; the water’s fine. Your positive attitude is contagious and motivating. I’m also in the “should lose 50+ pounds” category. At our house, radically changing the way we eat feels a bit like pulling off a Band-Aid. It smarts quite a bit at first, but then feels so much better when it’s gone. My daughter and I are feeling physically better than we have in quite a while. She lacks willpower, though, and cheats. Since she is eating more than she normally does and most of her diet is now nutritionally dense, I don’t mind. She needs to put on weight.


    Jennifer Daniels
    Karma Coins: 3 755

    I have been on the DIET yo-yo for the past 30 years and I have had temporary success but at 51 temporary will no longer work I need long term and even if the drops do not give me the success I hope the fact that I have cleaned up my diet will have to be progress. I just went shopping to prepare for my healthy lifestyle and as other have said it ain’t cheap to eat the right food but in the long run it ain’t cheap to constantly buy fast food and pay for health care to repair the damage we self inflict on ourselves. I am ready and I already have success because I did something and that is truly the hardest part. GOOD LUCK TO ALL and HAPPY NEW YOU YEAR!!!


    Linda O’Brien
    Karma Coins: 4 425

    Also at day 5. No sugar cravings but kind of snack craving….just had some carrots for that. Noticed a couple cf tiny headaches but Tylenol took care of it and maybe just a bit more tired than usual. Nothing major as I motor on through my first detox week.

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