News Forums PS1000 Plan Phase 1 Acceptable soda substitutes

5 replies, 3 voices Last updated by T Love 7 years, 6 months ago
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    Dewey Bertolini
    Karma Coins: 3 675

    Are there any? BTW, 5 days in and all good!


    T Love
    Karma Coins: 715

    @DeweyBertolin – Great to hear you’re doing well. I just received my order today. I’m SUPER excited to get started. I think I will probably do meal prep for several days in advance to help keep me on track. I just started reading my book. I didn’t see anything about acceptable soda substitutes. On pg. 14 it said “There is absolutely no soda allowed in the first phase and not even diet soda.” It doesn’t say why diet soda isn’t allowed. It might be because of the carbonation or the sodium. I drink lemon water….it’s not the same….but it’s good 🙂


    T Love
    Karma Coins: 715

    @DeweyBertolin- So I was reading the guidelines on pg 25, Watch what you are drinking…it says we can have unsweetened decaf tea. It says to stay away from artificial sweeteners… that’s probably why we can’t have soda.


    Dewey Bertolini
    Karma Coins: 3 675

    Thank you, T Love!


    Jenna Seaver
    Karma Coins: 505

    We can drink seltzer water, right?


    T Love
    Karma Coins: 715

    Hi Jenna,

    I didn’t see anything in the book regarding seltzer water. I found this article online and according to it, it should be okay.


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