News Forums Newcomers Start Here Afraid I'm going to gain weight before ever getting started!

2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Jennifer Daniels 7 years, 8 months ago
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    Phyllis Massey
    Karma Coins: 2 351

    Hi everyone!

    I’m so looking forward to getting started on this journey. I ordered last night and have been exploring the recipes. Reading them is making me feel famished. Hope I don’t gain weight before getting my plan in the mail!

    Not getting enough protein has always been my biggest issue in my diet. Can anyone suggest a good protein powder supplement that fits within this plan? Also, is there anywhere that tells what Dijon mustard works nutritionally in the recipes?

    Can hardly wait to get started, reading all of your successes on this forum gives me such hope that I can be successful finally.

    Thanks for any help you can give me along the way!


    Karma Coins: 0

    Hi Phyllis! Welcome and congrats on making the decision to change to a more healthy lifestyle. Quest protein powder is a great one that works on this plan. I hope you have enormous success on the program. The forums and articles on this site and the Facebook page for members are terrific places for support. Best wishes!!


    Jennifer Daniels
    Karma Coins: 3 755

    I use the vital protein it is unflavored so it works with everything had no carbs low calories and high protein. It also has some added anti-aging benefits so it is a win-win.

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