News Forums PS1000 Plan Phase 1 Allowed foods or not?


44 replies, 21 voices Last updated by PS1000 6 years, 7 months ago
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  • #2518

    Linn Orme
    Karma Coins: 1 098

    Jessica, I see a yummy looking Creamy Mocha-Banana Protein Shake [Phase 1] recipe but I didn’t think bananas are allowed in Phase 1. They are not on the fruit list in the book. That makes me leary that the recipes I pull up for Phase 1 are not necessarily compliant.


    Lynnette Stevens
    Karma Coins: 1 534

    Am I able to use store bought Spaghetti sauce?


    Debra Murray
    Karma Coins: 490

    Lynette, check the bottle and see how much sugar is in it…I believe the store bought might be high in sugar..I could be wrong though! If they do, maybe make some of your own with tomato paste, water, garlic, onions, green peppers, mushrooms, etc…whatever you like in it! πŸ™‚


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    Linn thank you so so much for noticing that! I meant to put that as a Phase 2 or 3! I will go back and check the recipes again, but as you will notice all of my recipes that I post have very few ingredients to begin with so if you notice that something is off like this was, please bring it to my attention. Thanks again! I am very detail oriented so I apologize that this one slipped my mind. Have a wonderful weekend!


    Donnalee Allen
    Karma Coins: 1 870

    Hello, my question is: according to booklet
    We are to stay away from using coconut oil for cooking
    Noticed some receipes in stage 1 speak of using coconut oil.
    Just starting and want to do this correctly.


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    I am not sure which booklet you have? I have the most current (as of 1 month) and we have changed on page 21 to note that 1 tbsp of coconut oil is 1 serving of fat. Coconut oil is a fantastic source of fat so I asked to have it added to the list of approved fats!

    Any additional questions please let me know! Have a wonderful day πŸ™‚


    Donnalee Allen
    Karma Coins: 1 870

    Yes, I see that now. My apologizes


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    Donnalee I have also noticed that on page 26 there was a statement saying to avoid it for cooking, however I have sent a new revision in to change it, here is what it will now be saying and sorry for any confusion!
    Page 26 Section 6.: Be aware of the oil you use when cooking.
    When cooking with oils opt to cook with coconut oil in most situations. Coconut oil, with its higher level of saturated fat and lower level of polyunsaturated fat is a far more stable cooking fat. Olive oil has a lower level of saturated fat and higher level of polyunsaturated fat, this makes it a little more unstable and causes oxidation when cooking with higher heat. Oils that are best for cooking with are as follows:
    β€’ Coconut oil
    β€’ Avocado oil
    β€’ Light olive oil
    β€’ Olive oil (stick to lower heat levels when cooking with olive oil
    Avoid cooking with:
    β€’ Flaxseed oil (can be used cold, just don’t cook with it!)
    β€’ Peanut oil or other nut oils
    β€’ Canola and other processed oils


    Darvi Mack
    Karma Coins: 485

    Hi I’m in phase 1 and noticed a recipe that looked like eggs and wondering if boiled eggs are ok? I saw egg whites on the list but it looked like scrambled with yoke in the picture. Bottom line are egg boiled eggs ok as a protein and if yes how many? Thank you.


    Darvi Mack
    Karma Coins: 485

    Thank you Jessica that is very helpful.


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    Yes whole eggs are fine, but count 2 whole eggs as a source of fat! and a protein. So sometimes I will just cook 1 whole egg mixed in with 1/2 cup of egg whites that way I can break up my fat consumption throughout the day.

    Great question πŸ™‚


    Erin Cochran
    Karma Coins: 730

    Thanks for clarifying re coconut oil Jessica as I was confused on this too.



    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    No problem! I think quite a few people were πŸ™‚


    Donnalee Allen
    Karma Coins: 1 870

    wondering if we can eat zucchini and squash?


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    Yep they are a go!

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