News Forums Nutrition Ask Nutritionist Almond Flour & Beef Broth


6 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Dorothy Soufy 7 years, 11 months ago
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    Patrice Lessard
    Karma Coins: 785


    I noticed the fried chicken recipe uses almond flour (1/2 cup for 4 servings). How do I count that towards my calories/category – – the recipe says to count each serving as 1 protein and 1/4 Fat….I would assume that the almond flour should count towards the day’s optional grain (although I think the calories are above 30).

    Also beef broth – it’s not in the book, but is it counted towards the day similar to the vegetable broth (low sodium)?

    I’m shopping this weekend and starting to prepare my meals tomorrow for a Monday start! Very excited. I just want to make sure I count all my calories and daily categories (5 P, 4 V, 2 Fruit, 1-2 Fats, 1 Optional Grain).



    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    I think I answered your question on the recipe page. However I will restate it here. So for the almond flour it is just almonds grinded up, therefore it only counts towards fat servings. 1/4 cup is the equivalent of 1 oz of almonds. So I have counted the almond flour in with the fat serving. 1 egg, 1 tbsp of coconut oil and 1/2 cup of almond flour for 4 servings comes out to roughly 1/4 of the fat you want in a day. Also what happens with that recipe a lot of times is that the entire 1/2 cup doesn’t even get used after dredging the chicken through it.

    As far as the beef broth goes yes count it towards your liquids like you would for vegetable broth.

    I am so glad that you are excited to start the plan! You are going to do wonderful!

    Ask me anything you like I will try to answer quickly 🙂



    Patrice Lessard
    Karma Coins: 785

    Thank you so much for your quick response! You have been so great! One other quick question – I’m noticing that the calories outlined in the book are very different (a lot less) than what I find online, so I’m worried about overeating. I think I was under the impression that I could have 5 protein at 5 ounces, but it really is up to 5 ounces. I’m just struggling (only first day though), with food choices so I can have 3 meals and 2 snacks and meet the 5 Protein, 4 Veggie, 2 Fruit, etc. I think I need to eat less than 5 ounces and focus more on the calories (that are on line vs. book).



    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    No problem at all, I know it can be a tad confusing at times. So what I like to do personally and this might help with keeping your calories on track is to vary the amount of protein, so for instance you could do about 4 oz in the morning, 2 oz for your snack, 4 for lunch, 2 for snack and maybe 4-5 for dinner, this will help keep the calories lower. Also I am not sure if you have checked out the meal plans under the member store tab? There is one free one as well as another that is for a low price. Let me know if you need any more guidance! I want this to be easier for people to understand and follow, I know it can be very tricky and confusing initially.



    Dorothy Soufy
    Karma Coins: 2 965

    Is almond flour allowed in Phase 1? How long do you stay on Phase 1?



    Hi Dorothy,

    Almonds and Almond Flour are allowed during phase 1, use sparingly because it is a large concentrated version of many almonds ground up together. This should be counted as a protein. The amounts are at your discretion.

    You will move into Phase 2 once you hit your goal weight. Phase 2 is a maintenance phase that lasts for 3 weeks. During this phase you will add an additional 500 calories to your daily allotment.

    Hope this helps!



    Dorothy Soufy
    Karma Coins: 2 965

    Thank you for your response, I have a goal of 15 pounds which I realize isn’t a lot. I’m starting week 3 and I’ve lost 5 pounds… which I’m happy about.

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