News Forums Newcomers Start Here Anyone over 65?


33 replies, 17 voices Last updated by Linda Solana 6 years, 11 months ago
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    Cathie Gibson
    Karma Coins: 2 450

    I started 2 weeks ago, and must say I feel great! Staying within all guidelines, but guess being older, I am not losing as fast as I want, but I am determined to stay with the program 100%. I must say though, My clothes are fitting better. I’ll welcome any special tips you may have, we’re all on this journey together!


    Tanya Dobbs
    Karma Coins: 1 565

    Hi there Cathie. In response to your question, I am over 65 and yes weight loss is ever so slow. I asked the same question when I first started and was encouraged by the fact that women in our age group responded that yes, they did have weight loss. One woman lost 20lbs over 4 months…so on average 5 lbs a month.
    I have personally lost about 7 lbs in almost 2 months. Not great but I’m still at it. I feel great and have gotten rid of digestive and water retention issues. Next I’m going to include some exercise.


    April Larkin
    Karma Coins: 7 020

    Yes I am over 65 and have been on the program for 1 year. I reached my goal and have been maintaining easy. But us older gals lose slower and I learned patience. It till come off but with me only 1-2lbs a week and sometimes nothing. But in the long run it does..


    Ellen Rhyner
    Karma Coins: 3 002

    Hi – I am starting today and am 69 – I lost my weight over two years ago, about 62 pounds I maintained for 1 and a half years but went though so many issues with family and health I gained about 12 pounds over my goal. Starting today I am committing to doing the 21 days and see where I am. I know once I clean the sugars and bad carbs out of my system I will be stronger and do well. This program works great and I love it. My loss before seemed really slow but, I kept remembering some childhood sayings like: “the turtle won the race” and “I think I can, I think I can”. I am the leader of my weight loss group. “TOPS” (Take Pounds Off Sensibility), which helps me but also hurt me loosing my KOPS status (Keep Pounds off Sensibility), We need all the support and help we can get to not only take off the weight but to change our eating patterns and keep it off. The great thing about PS1000 is they are their for you even when you get to goal.


    William Sutherin
    Karma Coins: 250

    I am 70 lost 14.2 pounds in 27 days so far feel great.


    Carol Rogala
    Karma Coins: 845

    I am over 70 and just ordered. So I have not started yet but look forward to discussing weight lose with a more mature audience. I would love to lose at least 60 pounds. We will see.


    Carol Rogala
    Karma Coins: 845

    Ellen I am also in TOPS and I have struggled losing. Never made it to KOPS. I just want to get to a healthy weight. If that is KOPS for me so much the better but not the goal. I just ordered Phase 1 book and will start soon. so know I hear you since I will be 71 in September. Slow is better than not at all. Keep going forward.


    Barbara Hostetler
    Karma Coins: 755

    I am 67 and have been on this plan for almost 4 weeks. I’m happy to see that I am not alone in my slow weight loss. Frankly, I hadn’t considered that age would play a role, but it makes sense. I have only lost 4 pounds total and have become very discouraged. But with this new information, I will continue to work the program. I find that I’m not hungry and the variety of food allowed keeps me interested. Time to add in more exercise too….that gym membership needs to be better used. Thank you for this thread!


    Pat Gilpin
    Karma Coins: 710

    I am 63. My first day.


    Laura Singletary
    Karma Coins: 3 492

    Yes, I’m 66 and plan to start over the weekend (7/16). Been all over the map for many years up and down. I figured I better turn the tide now or may never! My best success was sugar free and low carb/healthy fat. I want to apply all my tools and make a permanent change.


    Cathie Gibson
    Karma Coins: 2 450

    Laura, I know you will love this program once you get started! Be sure and TRACK everything and follow the guide completely, and YOU Will get results….;-) I lost on my 48 hr. “adjusting” days but then not much that first week with the drops, stuck with it 100%….BUT then I did notice my clothes fitting better, and now in my 4th week, I have gone from 156 to 145. i have 15 lbs. more to lose before I start Phase 2. it’s slower than my younger years,( I’m 73 now) but I Feel GREAT! and will continue through my journey with ones like you! Determined to live healthy in a sensible way. Keep us posted and Ask questions whenever you you need help. Everyone seems more than happy to respond, and this alone is gratifying.


    Carol Wilson
    Karma Coins: 795

    I just joined yesterday and I am 70. I’ve always lost weight slowly, but eventually I got it off. My best was after Nutrisystem, where I lost 50 pounds! Unfortunately, I didn’t learn anything about eating right, so I gained it back. I went back on it with my husband a number of years later. He lost 40 pounds, I lost 20. Now I’m shocked to see what I have done to my scale! I’ve been trying to do Weight Watchers, but didn’t lose a thing. I’m eager to get started and am looking forward to comments from others “over 65”.


    Linda McNaughton
    Karma Coins: 1 045

    Just turned 60 this year. I just started the program today. I Have a desk job with little movement. I’m reaaly looking forward to getting my weight down and my health back! Sitting all day makes me so tired by days end. I Don’t want to do anything.

    Wish me luck girls. And I wish all of you the same. (Darn Food Anyway)!


    Laura Singletary
    Karma Coins: 3 492

    Good luck Linda, I started yesterday too. I am amazed the drops really seem to cut appetite. I was concerned that I would be hungry, but didn’t feel those pangs. When I’m working on the computer, I try to stand up every so often to get the juices flowing again. We can do this!


    Linda McNaughton
    Karma Coins: 1 045

    Hi Laura,
    Thanks for the thumbs up. It helps when others can relate. I know what you mean by trying to stand a few times during the day. I do the same until until my leg and feet start to ache. I too am impressed that I don’t have the hungries with the program. Down 2 pounds this morning. Very happy with that.

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