News Forums Newcomers Start Here Beginning a new Journey

3 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Anonymous 7 years, 7 months ago
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  • #12431

    Tessa Bean
    Karma Coins: 570

    Hey Everyone, I just placed my order and can’t wait to get it in the mail! I’m ready for a change in my life and hopefully PS1000 will get me started!


    Rebecca Rule
    Karma Coins: 510

    I’m very excited for you! I’m excited as well after looking into this and many other programs over the last few months I also placed my order this morning.



    Welcome! Be sure to read up on the articles, and get involved in the support groups for an elevated experience! If you need meal plans- 2 are free for download in the member store!



    Karma Coins: 0

    Congratulations on joining this awesome group. You will love the results and the support is incredible. Be sure to join the facebook page too as there are many inspiring stories and fantastic recipes. Best of luck on your healthy journey!

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