News Forums PS1000 Plan Phase 1 Cheese Please!!!

5 replies, 6 voices Last updated by Leslee Feaster 7 years, 8 months ago
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    Lynnette Stevens
    Karma Coins: 1 534

    Are we able to eat any kind of cheese in Phase 1? Even small amounts such as sprinkling Parmesan? I’m dying for some cheese on some of my recipes.


    A Burcu Ergonul
    Karma Coins: 730

    Hi Lynette! If I recall correctly, the allowed cheese is cottage cheese for Phase 1. I am also craving for feta cheese for my breakfasts. This brings up another question, how about light feta cheese? Can I add some in my egg whites for breakfast?


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    Sorry ladies, but due to the processed nature of cheeses and the often times added sugar, it is not on the approved list. I would aim for different ways to add flavor…herbs, spices, greek yogurt and of course cottage cheese. I also like to add salsa (no-sugar added) to my egg whites for breakfast, very delicious!


    Regina Post
    Karma Coins: 2 910

    I didn’t know sugar was added to cheese. It’s not listed in the ingredients.


    April Larkin
    Karma Coins: 7 020

    Yes I did know that and so want some cheese too.


    Leslee Feaster
    Karma Coins: 1 420

    I just started PS1000 on Sunday, and I can already tell I won’t be staying 100% with only approved foods or I’ll be miserable. I absolutely love cheese and I’m simply not willing to cut it out completely. Have I cut it back drastically? Yes, but I’ve done things like add a teaspoon of crumbled extra sharp cheddar on top of scrambled eggs (with zucchini and minced onion) just to be able to actually enjoy it more. Turned it from an “I can tolerate this for 3 months” food, to a “I could eat this as a regular part of my diet long term.” I’ll probably not lose weight as fast as some others might, but for me it’s an acceptable trade off for being able to actually enjoy my food. 🙂

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