News Forums Newcomers Start Here Decided to jump in with both feet

2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Anonymous 8 years ago
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  • #12274

    Karma Coins: 0

    I was trying to decide if I wanted to go back to WW and started researching their updated program when I cam across reviews of this plan. It makes a lot of sense to me and I am looking forward to getting it in the mail to get started. I was overweight as a child, lost it to join the military and did everything under the sun to keep within weight limits for my 20 year career. I have been retired for 8 years and my weight keeps creeping up. At 5′ 7″ the last time I weighed myself I was 212 over a month ago. My goal 175 then see how I feel.


    Jennifer Daniels
    Karma Coins: 3 755

    This will be the best decision of your life. I am a 3 time lifetime member of weight watcher and am also prior service. I even tried the new weight watchers before coming to this. I have never in my life felt this good and found a lifestyle instead of a diet. This will teach you a lot about where you went wrong in the past while guiding you to the right way of life. I have never found at any WW meeting the kind of raw support that I have found here and from people I will probably never meet face to face. I could go on and on as I am so grateful an internet search went wrong and lead me here. I started Jan 1 and am down 22 pounds. Prep and Plan and learn stuff along the way and you have found success. Good luck and We are here for you.


    Karma Coins: 0

    Lana- So excited for you and the decision you made to join this group. It is awesome and I am so glad I found it. It is a program to make a lifestyle change and the support you receive is incredible. Wishing you the best of luck!

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