News Forums Nutrition Ask Nutritionist do not eat eggs

9 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Shams Madhani 8 years, 1 month ago
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    Sangeeta Singh
    Karma Coins: 850

    I am a vegetarian and have an allergy to eggs. I would also like to incorporate some ethnic recipes to this diet, specifically Indian. Do you have any suggestions?Are lentils or “dals” an option?


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    That is a definite challenge. You may have a much more limited food list, but if you are committed you will do well.

    Instead of eggs I would do nonfat greek yogurt topped with fruit and nuts. You could also have a protein smoothie.

    Lentils are not on plan and really any processed carbohydrates that are similar to beans or rice are not on plan. That said, if you are struggling to find enough food options you may try eating a minimal amount of them and see how your body responds. If you are able to lose while incorporating a few non plan items like lentils I think you should be ok.

    I will let you know of any good resources I come across for vegetarian recipes.


    Sangeeta Singh
    Karma Coins: 850

    Thank you so much Jessica for your response. I have incorporated greek yoghurt as part of breakfast since I cannot have eggs. I will try to restrict lentils as much as possible. Do let me know if you find other vegetarian resources. Thank you!


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    I sure will! You are not the first to ask this, it is quite a challenge but I am certain that you will continue to have good success even with the limitations.


    Shams Madhani
    Karma Coins: 4 595

    Hi Sangeeta, I have been eating a small bowl of Chana dal twice a week and have been losing weight, so maybe you can try it since Chana is very close to garbanzo beans.


    Sangeeta Singh
    Karma Coins: 850

    Hi Shams! Thank you so much, I really love chana dal. I will definitely incorporate it. I love dals in general and add veggies to it to make it more wholesome. Let me know if you have any other ideas.


    Shams Madhani
    Karma Coins: 4 595

    Sangeeta, glad to help. I also make masala cauliflower tortillas, like masala roti and have it with yoghurt.
    Just go online and type cauliflower tortilla. You will get the recipe for plain tortilla. I add our masalas to it to make it spicy and enjoy it with Greek yoghurt.
    I make garbanzo bean – Chana masala.
    Also use firm tofu to make palak paneer.


    Sangeeta Singh
    Karma Coins: 850

    Thank you Shams! What a great idea of the cauliflower tortilla. With the chana dal, do you have it with something or just plain? If you have other south asian inspired recipes, would love to know. Thanks again!


    Sangeeta Singh
    Karma Coins: 850

    Shams! Sorry forgot to ask do you use eggs when you make the cauliflower tortilla? If you have a link of a recipe, could you share? Many thanks!


    Shams Madhani
    Karma Coins: 4 595

    Cauliflower Tortillas

    This one uses eggs, but you can try almond flour to hold it together.

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