News Forums PS1000 Plan Phase 2 Drops in Phase 2

5 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Trish Featherston 7 years, 6 months ago
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    Jennifer Daniels
    Karma Coins: 3 755

    I am about 3 weeks out form phase 2 and like all the other posts I am a both nervous and excited. I plan on doing the drops once a day. I have two questions. First is it wise to do the drops in phase 2 or just let them go. I will have to do one short round of phase 1 for the last 15 pounds if that matters. Second should I increase the once daily drops to account for my exercise?



    Hi Jennifer,

    Many people continue to take the drops well into Phase 2, and sometimes even in Phase 3 believe it or not! It is entirely up to you, and how your body is feeling. If you are planning on once a day, GREAT! As far as exercise is concerned, if you feel like you need a boost taking them twice a day with your exercise is fine too. Play around with it, and see what works best with your weight loss and maintenance!



    Jennifer Daniels
    Karma Coins: 3 755

    So you are saying that you can take the drops three times a day in phase 2 and just increase your calories. How will that work to reset the hypothalamus? Or will it work just the same. I’m no what it means to have your body seek out a certain weight and try to get there. I am trying to get it to want to be at a number close to what I want for a goal. I do not want to mess this up as maintenance has been a but issue in the past.



    Most people don’t take the drops three times a day in Phase 2… but they take them daily (it is a personal decision). You won’t mess it up, just listen to your body!


    Cory L
    Karma Coins: 3 540

    I did the drops once during phase 2. In the morning so I’d remember. I felt like it really helped me to keep my mindset.


    Trish Featherston
    Karma Coins: 5 140

    I’ve continued to take the drops, but just once per day. I like that better than not taking them at all – mainly to stay in the habit since I plan to repeat Phase 1 after 21 on Phase 2.

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