News Forums Nutrition Ask Nutritionist Food sensitivities/allergies?

2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Rachel Fiske 8 years, 9 months ago
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    Rachel Fiske
    Karma Coins: 1 130

    Hey everyone! Do you struggle with food allergies or sensitivities? Do you suspect you have them but haven’t been diagnosed? As a Nutritionist, I find that a lot of my clients suffer symptoms of unknown sensitivities to food, and this can make weight loss difficult. What have your experiences been?


    Judalon Smyth
    Karma Coins: 1 204

    I was tested years ago, and the doctor explained to me that food allergies come and go, and that if you eat anything too much, too often you will develop an allergy to it for awhile. I also have a problem with cooked broccoli, onions, garlic, cauliflower, and that whole veg family, but only if cooked.I started to do The Plan which is supposed to help you figure out foods causing inflammation, but it was just too hard to maintain and work and live a normal life. I try to take note of how I feel within 20-45 min. after I eat and if I’m tired I know something was an allergen for me.


    Rachel Fiske
    Karma Coins: 1 130

    Thanks for sharing, Judalon! An elimination diet (to pinpoint allergies), certainly can be tricky. You can read my article about it for a bit more info, if you’d like!

    One fascinating note is that symptoms of eating foods we are sensitive or allergic to sometimes don’t show up for 72 hours!!! And your doctor is absolutely right about rotating foods. Even the healthiest of foods should not be eaten every day, as it can put us at risk for developing an allergy, not to mention we are missing out on important nutrients from other foods.

    Thanks for responding!

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