News Forums Newcomers Start Here For anyone unclear on when to take the drops


12 replies, 10 voices Last updated by Angela Hensley 6 years, 10 months ago
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    Marty Bennett
    Karma Coins: 1 890

    Hi! I’m new to PS1000 and on day 2! After reading the instructional booklet and the instructions on the drops’ packaging and also looking at the website, all I could find regarding when to take the drops was to take them at regular intervals. Then after combing through old topics on the forum, I found a comment from a keymaster saying to take them “at” breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Still unclear. I finally found this from keymaster Lauren in response to someone’s question about the drops:

    “Yes it is recommended you take them before each meal. Give them time to absorb, and you will be just fine no matter the time!”

    Thought I would let fellow newbies know, since this info was hard to find! Good luck everybody!


    Debbie Terwilleger
    Karma Coins: 450

    Thank you! I was wondering too


    Lisa Rung-Kolenich
    Karma Coins: 2 070

    Thanks for the clarification Marty. It’s interesting that it’s phrased as “at regular intervals” instead of recommending right before it’s meal.


    Marty Bennett
    Karma Coins: 1 890

    Yeah, I wonder if it’s because people have found over time that that works best. My first day I just did 5 hours apart! Now I do it 15 min before each meal. Not sure if I can tell any difference between the two different approaches! Oh well 🙂


    CeCe Clemens
    Karma Coins: 690

    Thanks, I’m starting tomorrow and am trying to set my timing for everything to be sure I get in all my meals and drops and vitamins and the boost… it’s a bit confusing. Trying to map it all out now. I’m unclear on when to take the metabolic boost drops (with regular drops or before or after). Guess I’ll go do some research…


    Marty Bennett
    Karma Coins: 1 890

    Hi CeCe, did you mean the energy burst (B vitamin) drops? I wish I could help you with that, but I don’t know as the only drops I’m taking are the metabolic burst, the ones you get with any PS1000 package.


    Gretta Smith
    Karma Coins: 1 125

    Im starting today and I was unclear this morning on how much I should put in the dropper?


    Marty Bennett
    Karma Coins: 1 890

    Hi Greta, I fill my dropper a little less than half full and then count all 15 drops as they go into my mouth.


    maryanne sheehan
    Karma Coins: 735

    Thanks, I am brand new. I appreciate the information since the booklet leaves alot for the imagination.


    Kelsey Haase
    Karma Coins: 2 545

    Thanks for this information! I am a newbie and planning to start tomorrow and this helps a lot!


    Courtney Jones
    Karma Coins: 740

    wow, my box has not arrived yet,but i am sure this information you posted here will be most helpful to me. Thanks


    Irka Pereira
    Karma Coins: 490

    Hello newbie here, just wondering i just received the booklet and the burst drops but I read about drops and vitamins and the boost?? Is this part of the ps1000 if so how ca we get them? thanks in advance!


    Angela Hensley
    Karma Coins: 3 415

    Hi Irka and welcome to the program. There are B vitamin drops (yellow label) that the program recommends taking once a day, so you use a lot less than the burst drops. You can find them on this website at the Member Store or on Amazon.

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