News Forums Newcomers Start Here Getting Ready to Start

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Paula Gunning 7 years, 11 months ago
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    Susan Boyd
    Karma Coins: 600

    I waiting for my shipment. I plan to start Dec. 19th. I will be away from home from the 23-28. I could start when I get back. If O start the 19th should I take my food? I’m nervous about it. I need encouragement. I have been preparing mentally with benefit lists, reading others experiences. Any feedback and support would be welcome. Thanks
    Happy Holidays!


    Paula Gunning
    Karma Coins: 5 345

    You are a brave woman. I received my plan last week but anticipate starting the plan the day after Christmas to avoid serious temptation.

    There are enough food choices in the plan to allow for simple creative meals when away from home. The additional in-between meals would be more of a challenge for me: single serving low fat plain cottage cheese/yogurt cartons (I’ll need stevia!), fresh fruit, raw almonds, veggie sticks from the grocery store salad bar, and carefully selected smoothies are options I’m considering when away from home for an extended period of time. I can’t wait to hear how it worked out for you. I’m going to need your support and encouragement!

    Have a great holiday trip.

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