News Forums Newcomers Start Here Husband and I started today

10 replies, 8 voices Last updated by Trish Featherston 7 years, 11 months ago
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    Deb Hiner
    Karma Coins: 2 920

    Hi to all. My husband and I jumped in with both feet this morning. My plan is to follow the 2 sample meal plans in the booklet and branch off from there. Can anyone explain the baked beans in the supper meal?


    Jennifer Daniels
    Karma Coins: 3 755

    I just wanted to take the opportunity to welcome you to our little family. I have 2 weeks left in Phase one and I have lost over 30 pounds. I love this program and I am sure you and your husband will be very successful. I downloaded the menues but I will confess I mainly used the recipies and I was very successful. I hope you get a answer to your question but I just wante to say HI.


    Deb Hiner
    Karma Coins: 2 920

    Thanks Jennifer for the encouragement. The recipes look very good. Getting in the habit of counting calories will be a bit of a challenge for me but Im sure it will get easier with time.


    Vanessa Niemi
    Karma Coins: 9 110

    Welcome Deb! Try downloading the app MyFitnessPal to track your food. You can do it! I’m loving being healthy. That is a great reward for me. Lean on us for support we are here for you!


    Karma Coins: 0

    Deb- Welcome to you and your husband! Congratulations on starting this plan. You will find amazing support on this site and the Facebook page. It is a lifestyle change and once adopted it will become easier and easier to make healthy eating a habit. Best of luck to both of you!


    Karma Coins: 0

    Welcome to you both. This is a lifestyle change rather than a diet. I use this website as well as Facebook. Everyone is extremely nice and helpful. If you don’t get an answer on you question by Tuesday, I would repost the question on Forum “ask nutritionist”. She is usually very prompt with answers. Welcome again!


    Lana Jobe
    Karma Coins: 605

    I also started this morning. I see on the website where the recipes are but can you tell me where to download the menus. Thank you.


    Jennifer Daniels
    Karma Coins: 3 755

    Welcome, You can download the menus from the member store. I did look at them but I mainly stuck to the recipes as they are all very good. Remember prepping and planning is the key to success. Think Lifestyle and not diet and you will have no choice but to reach your goals. Good luck and always remember YOU GOT THIS!!!!



    Hi Lena,

    The menu plans are in the member store at the very bottom.



    Lana Jobe
    Karma Coins: 605

    Jennifer, thank you so much for the reply and the encouragement. It means a great deal!


    Trish Featherston
    Karma Coins: 5 140

    Good luck to you both! Yesterday was my official day 1. This morning was down 2.8lbs!! As others have said, everyone both here and on the Facebook page are very nice and supportive. Best of luck to you!

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