News Forums Newcomers Start Here I start tomorrow!

2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Rochelle Vann 7 years, 9 months ago
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  • #16551

    Kelli Dahl
    Karma Coins: 740

    Hello all – I’m Kelli and I start the plan tomorrow. I’m excited to get my eating back on track. I’ve gained about 25 lbs since I got divorced 2 years ago. I’d like to say the weight gain is because I’m fat and happy with a new beau, but honestly, I’ve just let myself eat and drink whatever. I need to focus on my health and tomorrow starts day one. I’ve spent the day cooking, chopping and planning. I’m ready to do this!! I have at least 35 lbs to lose total. I look forward to browsing this forum for inspiration!

    Kelli D


    Karma Coins: 0

    Welcome Kelli! This site is a great place to find the inspiration you seek Be sure to join the ps1000 private page on facebook as well to get even more inspiration, information and recipes. Sounds like you are off to a great start with your prepping and planning for the week. Wishing you the very best!


    Rochelle Vann
    Karma Coins: 1 250

    Welcome Kelli. You sound motivated and prepared! I look forward to you sharing your journey!

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