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7 replies, 5 voices Last updated by T Love 7 years, 5 months ago
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    Paula Gunning
    Karma Coins: 5 345

    I was unable to eat anything solid for nearly a week-it would go straight through me. After 2 days of clear broth tea, and water, I felt awful. We keep a sports drink in the house for the kids, and I drank that-felt much better. I must have needed electrolytes. After two more days of clear liquids, I was able to have opaque liquids. Protein shakes were not enough to keep me feeling good, so I used a liquid meal substitute. Two days later, I slowly returned to solid foods. Even after being off of the diet for a full week, my weight stayed the same despite the illness.
    I’m back on the diet, but I’m still having problems with food. I’m bloated and gassy after every meal and snack. I’ve tried yogurt and probiotics, but nothing has helped yet. It’s been a week. At least my weight is stable.
    Now there’s an added complication. Thursday I felt discomfort, so I went to a Prompt care-I have a severe UTI (used to be a common occurrence) and a prescription for an antibiotic. Considering all of the water I drink daily and the many bathroom trips, this was a surprise-maybe one last gift from the previous illness?
    1. Are there other clear liquids that are acceptable on this diet besides tea, broth, and water? What about opaque?
    2. Do you have any suggestions concerning this gas/bloat problem? I’ve tried to narrow it down to a specific food or type of food, but everything sets me off right now.
    3. Traditional BRAT (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) isn’t acceptable on this diet (except applesauce) when transitioning from “the runs”. What can I substitute for the next time?



    Hi Paula,

    I am sorry you have been sick! That is seriously not fun, and a set back to say the least. In those circumstances, it is just best to temporarily pause your program and focus on getting 100% better. The diet is not meant to be juggled with sickness, so there are not a lot of substitutions that will possibly go in front of the BRAT foods. In regards to the gas and bloating– the more water the better in this case. Clean out the system and eat smaller meals throughout the day. The liquids in the book are the liquids approved. It is best to focus on getting healthy, instead of trying to find substitutions!

    Hope this helps, and I hope you get feeling better soon!



    Paula Gunning
    Karma Coins: 5 345

    Thanks, Lauren. I’ve just finished the antibiotics, which also gave me “the runs”. I’ve been off of the diet for about three weeks now out of necessity and have gained 2 pounds according to the scale. I’m hoping that some of it is left-over bloat. For the next few days, I’ll use probiotics and a little common sense. Then I’ll return to the ps1000 diet. FYI Today I turn 56!


    Karma Coins: 0

    Hi Paula – Are you back on the program and feeling better? I had the flu for a week and found myself in your same situation. I appreciated the advice Lauren gave you and now that my flu symptoms are gone, I am back to my approved foods list and the drops. I hope to see progress in the loss department to counteract the gain I experienced while sick. BTW, happy belated birthday! (mine was two days before yours). Best wishes to you.


    Trina C
    Karma Coins: 3 754

    Happy Birthday to both of you Paula and Robyn and best wishes as well. I hope you are all better and feel healthier than ever. Hang in there.
    Trina C


    Karma Coins: 0

    Thanks Trina – I am back to feeling 100% and on the weight loss train again. Now that I have restarted phase one and been on it a week, I am down 4 pounds. It is great to be able to recommit and see the same type of results I saw initially.


    Paula Gunning
    Karma Coins: 5 345

    Unfortunately, my immune system seems to be weakened. I had one illness after another. Then we left for a month of vacation, and I felt great. On the drive back, I got sick again. There most be something about this part of the country that I react to in a negative way. Despite everything, my weight is stable. Today I started the diet again, with a few modifications suggested by my doctor. Hopefully I will begin losing weight again at a slow but fairly steady rate.


    T Love
    Karma Coins: 715

    Best of luck. I hope everything goes well for you this time around.

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