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2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Nona Cullen 8 years, 7 months ago
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    Debbie Cree
    Karma Coins: 572

    I need to get back on track. Looking forward to learning ways to do that.


    Eva PS1000
    Karma Coins: 2 131

    I just got back into it this week too. I struggle to lose the last 10 after losing 90!
    Someone posted a great idea on focussing a few minutes or hours at a time rather than weeks or months. It really has helped me to just think about getting through right now.
    Good luck!


    Nona Cullen
    Karma Coins: 229

    I’m back as well ~ I never truly reached my ‘goal’ the first time around, thought since I only had 10 pounds to go, I could do it on my own and with my ‘old’ ways and habits. I did ok, but ended up gaining back 5-7 pounds, so thought I’d come back and really try to get to my goal before I try going it alone.

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