News Forums Newcomers Start Here Just ordered today.

4 replies, 5 voices Last updated by Anonymous 8 years ago
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  • #12417

    Karma Coins: 0

    I just placed my ordered for PS1000 today. Can’t wait to get started. I am 61 years old and a retired school teacher.
    I would like to loose 50 pounds. I need all the encouragement I can get.


    Jennifer Daniels
    Karma Coins: 3 755

    Welcome this is the best decision that you will ever make that will impact the rest of your life. This is not a diet but a lifestyle. You will feel better and have more energy then you ever thought possible. Prepping and planning is the key and you will find the best recipes ever on this site. The FB page is also an excellent resource for not only information but for all the support you will ever need to get through the tough times. GOOD LUCK and YOU GOT THIS!!!


    Tessa Bean
    Karma Coins: 570

    I just ordered mine today as well! I’m planning on joining the Facebook page and hopefully there we can find all the encouragement we could want! Hope the best for you! 🙂



    Welcome all! The closed and private support group on Facebook is REALLY great!


    Karma Coins: 0

    Sharon – I know you will do great. This is an amazing group and you will see fantastic results. It is a lifestyle change that you will be so glad you made. I wish you the best on this healthy journey!

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