News Forums Newcomers Start Here Keeping My Fingers Crossed

4 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Diane Thompson 8 years, 3 months ago
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    Diane White
    Karma Coins: 375

    I’ve tried several diets . . . and still am overweight. So, thought I would try the PS1000. It sounds like a program that I can do and it does not require any special foods. So, tomorrow is PS day…….Keeping my fingers crossed that this program works for me.


    Diane Thompson
    Karma Coins: 450

    Diane, I am just starting out too, and am also a Nana. I’ll be thinking of you and it will help knowing I’m not the only one struggling through 🙂


    Diane White
    Karma Coins: 375

    Hi Diane:

    So, how are you doing on the Plan so far? I am amazed, I’ve lost about a pound a day and have to force myself to eat.

    Looking forward to doing this journey together.


    P.S. I was born and raised in Denver! Small world


    randy taylor
    Karma Coins: 540

    well it’s been a week and i have dropped 6 lbs. no problems yet with headaches or feeling starved. i’m drinking a lot of water so i find myself getting up at night at least a couple of times to use the bathroom. it’s weird but i feel like i’m eating more now than before but now i know i’m eating the right things. good luck to all on your adventures.



    Diane Thompson
    Karma Coins: 450

    It was good to hear from you and thanks for the reply! The last few days have been rough for me: cravings, NO energy, brain fuzz, etc. I’ve stayed pretty close on-track, and am trying to keep the slip-ups relatively healthy. I think one of my problems is that I’m not snacking in between meals and then get overly hungry, and also was out a lot over the weekend without my drops. Also would help if I spent more time planning and prepping. On days where I stay on-plan, I lose about 0.6-0.8 lbs/day. If I don’t stay on EXACTLY though, then there’s no loss and maybe a gain, even if I’m staying within 1000 calories. Seems like this is definitely a case of “close” isn’t good enough.

    Have out-of-town guests coming to visit (kids with baby) in a couple of weeks and am already wondering how I’m going to manage that! We can’t exactly starve them.

    How are you doing? If you’re keeping up with the pound/day, that’s EXCELLENT and congratulations! How

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