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7 replies, 5 voices Last updated by Regina Post 8 years, 5 months ago
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    Luiza Alves
    Karma Coins: 100

    Hi Jessica
    I have been on the program almost a month and the leg cramps started a few days into the program. I read on the community group other people are experiencing leg cramps and that Magnesium was good for leg cramps so I have been taking it for the past 2 weeks but the cramps are getting worse.Today my whole leg cramped up at once, I could not move for quite a while, very painful. I have never experienced this before.I have been following the eating plan and recipes from the site.
    Do the ps1000 drops or the vitamin B drops cause this problem?


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    First off have you been taking the vitamin B drops every day? Also besides the PS1000 drops and B drops are you taking ANY other supplements? Any changes like adding in any foods you have never eaten before?

    I think with this stuff it is process of elimination. Also are you drinking a lot of caffeine? Any? Or have you recently stopped drinking caffeine all together?

    What I would do for now is to quit the B drops and just see how that affects your cramps. Also if they are causing you this much discomfort and pain I would highly suggest visiting your doctor!

    Let me know if this helps…if not we can dig a little deeper.


    Bettye Shelton
    Karma Coins: 879

    I also experienced several leg cramps during the night after being on the program about 2 – 3 weeks. One time, I experienced leg cramps in both legs at the same time, which has never happened to me before. I added magnesium, potassium & calcium supplements and I have not had any cramps for the past 3 weeks. One thing that helped me when I was experiencing the cramp was to flex my foot (pull my toes back towards my body). This seemed to shorten the length of the cramp and ease the severity. I hope this helps. I never stopped with the either drops.


    Bonnie Bloom
    Karma Coins: 825

    When I was on Quick Weight Loss many years ago they told me when I had leg cramps to take a little salt. It was a lack of salt. As soon as I started doing that I did not have leg cramps anymore.


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    Great idea Bonnie, I have heard of this before as well! At the least it doesn’t hurt to try. Just dissolve a little salt into some water and drink it. See if that helps!
    I hope you are feeling less leg cramps now that you are into the plan a little further now?

    Let me know! Have a wonderful day 🙂


    Regina Post
    Karma Coins: 2 910

    Hi all! I would just like to offer my knowledge about leg cramps: Even though our water goal is 1/2 of our body weight in ounces, this may be too much. You need to monitor your urine color. If it is clear, you are drinking too much water and washing out all of your minerals. This will cause severe leg cramps. I had them for a long time when I started to drink so much water. Drink less and work your way up according to your bodies needs. I do not have leg cramps anymore. Your urine should be the color of fresh squeezed lemonade or straw, not clear.
    Hope this helps ?


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    Regina that is fantastic advice! I have a friend that actually gave herself a kidney infection from drinking too much water! I never knew that was possible but yes we are always told drink more more more water, but make sure it is not too much!

    Thanks for your input this should help those who may have this problem.



    Regina Post
    Karma Coins: 2 910

    You’re welcome =) Just speaking from experience and it works! =)

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