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    Stephanie Geiser
    @Stephanie Geiser
    Karma Coins: 630


    I am new to the PS1000 family and I am getting ready to start the plan but I am looking for easy phase 1 breakfast ideas that I can make ahead. Thinking maybe egg dishes (they don’t have to be just egg dishes) that I can grab and heat. My son is sleeping when I will be eating breakfast and my blender is so loud I can’t use it. If anyone has any recipes they can share that would be great. I couldn’t find any in the recipe section.

    Thank you!


    Trish Featherston
    Karma Coins: 5 140

    Hi Stephanie,
    I too sometimes can’t run the blender in the morning, but I really have come to like my morning shake. And that’s from having been a sausage, egg, and bisquit girl for years! So I plan to experiment with making a shake the evening before and storing in the fridge or freezer (probably not the freezer). One of my coworkers brought a shake to work she had made that morning and I tried some after it had been in the fridge all day, and in the afternoon it was still nice and thick! I’ll get some notes from her and conduct my own experiment. I’ll let you know how it goes.

    Also, if you want more recipes and didn’t already know, recipes are located here on the website, on the PS1000 facebook group, and on Pinterest, if you’re into any of those. I’m just finishing my first week so don’t have any to recommend yet, but I’ve seen some great looking recipes out there.

    Good luck!


    Stephanie Geiser
    @Stephanie Geiser
    Karma Coins: 630


    Thank you for the suggestion on making the shakes the night before. I will have to try that and see how it goes. I am starting on Monday and just trying to get prepared so I start out strong! Good luck to you too!


    Dorothy Soufy
    Karma Coins: 2 965

    Put the oven 0n


    Paula Gunning
    Karma Coins: 5 345

    I usually go for yogurt and fruit, a hard-boiled egg, or a poached egg in the morning. Turkey sausage can be done quickly in the microwave.

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