News Forums PS1000 Plan Phase 1 Menu planning woes

6 replies, 6 voices Last updated by Trina C 7 years, 10 months ago
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    Terrie Richards
    Karma Coins: 2 795

    We were supposed to start a couple of weeks ago but both my husband and I ended up with the flu, so now that we are both healthy again, we are starting tomorrow. Does anyone else have issues with meal planning ideas?
    I have created my spreadsheet with calorie representation for both meal/snack and day but creatively filling in the blanks is hard … I am going through the recipes and some are hard to tell if they are a meal in themselves or if you can add a side to them …. Need to hire someone to do it lol
    I am sure in time it will get easier and more natural?


    Karma Coins: 0

    Hi Terri!
    Today is my first day and I have found it difficult to preplan as well. Those recipes are difficult and in no particular order that I can tell. I am playing by ear today as I have a bad headache but I hope that tomorrow I can get a little more planning done. Otherwise I will be eating grilled chicken, salad and green beans every day. I hope it gets easier because honestly I am a bit frustrated. Good luck Shirley


    Karma Coins: 0

    Is Quinoe allowed in Phase 1? I can’t seem to find this anywhere. TIA

    Shirley Toon



    Hi Shirley,

    It is not allowed because it is so high in calories.



    Paula Gunning
    Karma Coins: 5 345

    Meal planning got a little easier when I realized that I could eat a large salad of greens plus a protein for lunch every day. Often the protein would be leftover from the previous evening meal: roast chicken, turkey, beef roast. I even prepared ground beef seasoned with my own seasoning mix for a “taco salad”. I’ve also used hard-boiled eggs, tuna, guacamole, and salsa on salads. I don’t like combinations like an orange and chicken, but you might. A dressing made with a little olive oil, a spice of your choice (dill is good with tuna), and lemon juice works well. (Remember, guacamole, eggs, and oil count as fats)
    A simple formula to use for lunch and dinner is 1 serving protein + 2 servings veggies. Breakfast for me is usually a protein with fruit. Fill in the rest of the calories with whatever works.


    Deb Hiner
    Karma Coins: 2 920

    Thanks Paula.That gives me a much clearer idea and formula to use to get started with this. I agree with the others that it is confusing. I was hoping the booklet would have contained at least a weeks sample of daily meal plans. But Im sure it will get easier. I appreciate everyones input.


    Trina C
    Karma Coins: 3 754

    There is a free sample menu for downloading in the members store at the bottom of the page. One for Phase 1 and one for Phase 2.

    Trina C

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