News Forums PS1000 Plan Phase 1 Menus for Phase 1


26 replies, 19 voices Last updated by Angela Demma 7 years, 2 months ago
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    Vicki Wohlers
    Karma Coins: 433

    Where can I find daily suggested menus for Phase 1? The book only gave a couple of examples. HELP!!!


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    Under the member store tab, you can scroll all the way down and you will see them 🙂


    Yvette Rooney
    Karma Coins: 480

    So basically I have to buy the menus in order to get recipes for ideas for Phase one!?? Seriously? There is no other area that we can browse that will give ideas for this? I am perplexed how this can be helpful.


    Lorena Alcaraz
    Karma Coins: 840

    I agree with Yvette. I too am new to PS 1000 and was looking for sample menu plans but could not find any on the site. I saw that there was a book for purchase which kind of defeats that purpose of the program. I believe that if you want the program to work well for the customer you should include at least a one week sample menu plan.


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    I am unsure what you mean if you go under the member store tab and scroll down to library there is one Phase 1 menu plan that is free and the other is for purchase.

    Also the book that came along with your order has a very basic sample day menu in it. Under the recipes tab you can search for Phase 1 recipes that will also give you some inspiration.

    Hope this helps let me know if it is too confusing.



    April Larkin
    Karma Coins: 7 020

    There are all kinds of weekly food menus on the facebook site. Great info about everything.


    Eva PS1000
    Karma Coins: 2 131

    There are 2 free ones under the members store. one for Phase 1 and the second one if for Phase 2.
    Also, just like April mentioned you can find some under files on the closed FB support group.


    Annalisa Harding
    Karma Coins: 525

    I’d first like to say that I just completed all the free recipes by Rachel Fiske for the first Phase and they were absolutely delicious. I just purchased the other 7 day recipes from Jessica and I’m excited to try them out. They look fantastic and I’m loving this diet so far.

    A few of the recipes by Rachel were confusing, however and it may just be mistakes, but they should be corrected. On Tuesday dinner (Kale Apple Salad) she mentions cooking beets in the instructions but there are no beets in the ingredient list. For Friday dinner (Green Pear Salad) she says to add 1/2 cup slivered almonds to the recipe. There is no way that it would be a 217 calorie meal adding that much almonds plus a pear. Perhaps she meant 1/2 oz? Finally, on Saturday lunch (Pear and Parsley Smoothie), in the description of the smoothie, she states “This unique flavor combination offers a myriad of key nutrients and healthy fat from avocado…” Yet there is no avocado in the recipe at all.

    It would be nice if someone could look them over and make corrections. Thank you!


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    Thank you for your feedback Annalisa! I will forward this to the PS1000 support. I hope that you enjoy the meal plan that I made as well and do give feedback it is helpful. Making meal plans is A LOT of work and errors do happen, so its good to know that way they can be edited 🙂

    Have a great day!



    S R
    Karma Coins: 1 365

    How often are new Phase 1 menu downloads in the member store offered? Thanks.


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    They are not updated, they are just the same ones all the time. I am going to ask about the phase one menu maybe seeing if they would release both as freebies.


    Linda O’Brien
    Karma Coins: 4 425

    Just downloaded and printed off the free menu. Thanks!


    Paula Gunning
    Karma Coins: 5 345

    As I became familiar with the approved foods list and calorie restrictions allowed on the diet, I began looking through cookbooks. I found recipes that meet the standards of phase 1 and phase 2 and others that would be acceptable with just a little tweaking. Some of my tried and true family favorites also measure up. Happy hunting!


    Trina C
    Karma Coins: 3 754

    That would be great Jessica. Thanks

    Trina C


    Kristen Root
    Karma Coins: 1 045

    Don’t forget about pintrest! not only can you save all of the recipes from the ps1000 website there you can find new user submitted recipes there but if you find a recipes elsewhere that fits the program and you save it with ps1000 in the description or to a board titled ps1000 others can find it too!

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