News Forums PS1000 Plan Phase 1 mild leg cramps / phase 1


9 replies, 10 voices Last updated by Lauren 7 years, 6 months ago
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    EllaRae Quinn
    Karma Coins: 625

    Hello, I am just finishing week one, really going well! Day 5, I started to experience some leg cramps while sleeping- any suggestions?


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    Hello EllaRae!

    Sorry I am just now seeing your question, I don’t work on here Saturday and Sundays. Are the leg cramps still persisting? Are you sticking to the diet pretty closely? Also are you having enough water or too much perhaps? This has been a problem I have heard others have had, but nothing too serious. For some it has to do with too little or too much hydration.

    Let me know if they are still cramping up.



    April Larkin
    Karma Coins: 7 020

    Yes I did get them but really had to increase my water. I was used to eating a banana also….but not on phase 1…


    Erika Kluzak
    Karma Coins: 625

    I would consider adding a potassium supplement if you are used to eating a banana daily. If you are on a medication that is potassium depleting or in or past menopause you have a higher probability of having low potassium. If the leg cramp persist I would follow up with the PCP to have a Chem Panel drawn to check your potassium.


    Todd Smith
    Karma Coins: 1 385

    cramps from dehydration or certain food withdrawals can be painful, try supplementing with some glutamine, if your cramping from exercise as well this will help with muscle fatigue repair as it also aids in muscle hydration and prevents muscle catabolism. It is a very important amino acid that our ever changing bodies need


    Trina C
    Karma Coins: 3 754

    I take magnesium for leg cramps and nightly restless leg syndrome. My Homeopathic Biofeedback Specialist suggested it and I have never slept better. Best of luck.

    Trina C


    Lilma Doromal
    Karma Coins: 3 485

    Hello, almost done with my first week. I too have been experiencing leg cramps while sleeping. I drink over 64 oz. of water daily sometimes 72 oz. And I used to eat one banana everyday and now none. I will try everyone’s suggestions here and see what works out for me. Thx!


    Laura Singletary
    Karma Coins: 3 492

    If I get a leg crap, I drink a few swallows of Tonic Water. It will stop the cramp immediately. I’m only on day 2, and not sure if Tonic is “allowed” but I can’t think why not.


    Linda McNaughton
    Karma Coins: 1 045

    Yes, I’m on day 4 and I too started experiencing leg pain. Not so much a cramp but an ache. Upper back of legs. Kicks in about 3 or 4 AM while sleeping. I’v been faithful with water intake so it’s not dehydration. What is a good magnesium or potassium product? Do you take before bed or in the morning?



    Head over to the Vitamin Shoppe or even a store similar and they can guide you on clean magnesium and potassium supplements to take. Sometimes when you drink that much water (as required on the plan) it is crucial to maintain electrolyte levels in the body too. This might help!


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