News Forums PS1000 Plan Phase 1 Need Clarity on Drops


7 replies, 6 voices Last updated by Sharon Johnson 7 years, 5 months ago
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    Rebecca Smoot
    Karma Coins: 640

    I’m 1 week in but still don’t feel clear about the appropriate use of the drops. What is the recommended dosage? I’ve been doing about 1/4 of the dropper each time (I know I read that somewhere). I don’t see it in the book, just a recommendation to use a syringe for ensuring you are getting the right amount.
    Also, is the 15 minutes before/after just eating or is it also drinking? I hate to go 30 minutes without my water.
    Lastly, I also bought the B complex drops but have not started using due to my confusion on the drops overall.

    Thank you!


    Karma Coins: 0

    Hi Rebecca – The best way for me to make sure I got the right dosage was to get a 1 ml syringe from the pharmacy and get the specific .5 ml dosage each time. I also use it for the vitamin B – 1 ml dosage. So I don’t even use the dropper. And the reason you shouldn’t eat OR drink anything 15 minutes before and after is so that the drops can get absorbed into your system. Drinking water can dilute the drops. I set the timer and I am right back on my water just as soon as the timer goes off. It hasn’t affected my water consumption adversely. As for the B drops, I take them at lunch with my other drops but I leave 5 minutes in between. So it goes like this…. wait 15 minutes after drinking, take metabolic drops, wait 5 minutes, take B drops, wait 15 minutes and then start with my water and lunch. I haven’t been told that there is a problem combining the drops in this manner and I have been pretty successful with this method. Hope this helps.


    Rebecca Smoot
    Karma Coins: 640

    Thank you. So the primary drops are .5ml and the Bcomplex drops are 1ml. I have no problem using syringes for dosing, my daughter uses a feeding tube, I have syringes from 1 – 60ml in the house! I was just unclear on the dosing amounts. And the water… I’ll keep trying to do it 15 minutes after/before drinking. Thank you!


    Karma Coins: 0

    Keep me posted on your progress! Would love to hear how this method works for you.


    Cory L
    Karma Coins: 3 540

    15 drops work as well … I read that somewhere.


    Mel Harris
    Karma Coins: 470

    So you take them before each meal? I’m a tough case because I don’t eat meals at consistent times. Maybe close to…11am or 12p when I get up, 5:30pm, and a snack at 10:30pm as I’m charting…then if I finish early enough I go to gym before home. I work second shift…life is a little skewed!



    Hi Mel,

    Yes it is recommended you take them before each meal. Give them time to absorb, and you will be just fine no matter the time!


    Sharon Johnson
    Karma Coins: 2 805

    Hi Rebecca, I had the same confusion on drops so thanks for asking. The responses I have read are super helpful. Thanks all 🙂

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