News Forums Newcomers Start Here New – just ordered

6 replies, 6 voices Last updated by Paula Gunning 8 years ago
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  • #11390

    Dawn Beers
    Karma Coins: 350

    I am excited about trying this plan. I will be 50 in June, and I want to get healthier and lose some weight.


    Michelle Bueno
    Karma Coins: 1 241

    Good luck to you! I’m 45 and had success early on but then got off track during the holidays. I am restarting. These boards provide good support as does the Facebook group. 🙂


    Karma Coins: 0

    I am 51 in April and have been on the plan for 3 weeks. I am down 12 pounds – biggest loss week one and equal but smaller losses week two and three. Consistently following the plan is working. I love the support of the forums and facebook too.


    Jennifer Daniels
    Karma Coins: 3 755

    I turned 51 in December and this is the best program ever. Like some have said I lost the most in week one but have lost between 0.2 and 0.5 a day since then so I’m at 15.8 as I come to the end of my third week. I think the weight lost has been great but the lifestyle is the best thing I could have done for myself. This is a lifestyle not a diet and it take some work to prepared menus and prep foods but this is for me so I am worth the extra work and so are you. You will get tons of motivation for both the forum and the face book page so if nothing more you will know that you are not alone in this journey. We will guide and motivate you and you will in turn do that for someone else but more importantly you will do that for yourself.



    Lee Barrett
    Karma Coins: 675

    I just ordered my kit yesterday after getting on the scale and didn’t like what I saw. I need to figure out the recipes that I think I will like and will hopefully be able to stick to this plan and see success.


    Jennifer Daniels
    Karma Coins: 3 755

    Welcome and think of this as a new adventure. All of the recipes are great so be adventurous and try food you either have never had or thought you did not like. They put a real good spin on the foods and I love all of the recipes. Planning is the key to this program and support which you will find plenty of with this group. Plan for success and you will be successful, don’t add doubt into the mix. This is a lifestyle so think permanent change and not something you do to just loose a few. This was a life saver to me and I am sure you will have the same if not more success then I have found. GOOD LUCK and YOU GOT THIS!!!!!


    Paula Gunning
    Karma Coins: 5 345

    I’ll be 56 in April. The plan is working for me, but slowly. I’m in week 6, and others are noticing a difference in my appearance. Welcome to the group!

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