News Forums Nutrition Ask Nutritionist Phase 1 Newbie Question on do's & Don't

11 replies, 6 voices Last updated by Lauren 7 years, 11 months ago
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    Karma Coins: 0

    I am wanting to get everything figured out so I can go shopping and get started.
    1. Can I have an occasional sugar free Canada Dry Ginger Ale or is that considered soda? It has real ginger in it and helps my acid reflux
    2. I cannot get the food plan in the member store to download that is free. Could someone help me figure that out?
    3. Is there a guide to navigating this site. I can’t figure out how to post questions under topics.
    4. Is there an advantage to having a protein drink? I am not a fan but will drink them if they help.
    5. How many grams/ounces of sugar are you allowed per day in phase 1?



    Hi Shirley,

    Thanks for asking those questions… unfortunately sugar free candy and ginger ale are not allowed during phase 1 of the program. The artificial sweeteners and sugar does not go hand in hand with phase 1. We will send you the menu plan to your e-mail. Make sure your browser (google chrome, safari, etc.) does not block downloads because that happens a lot!

    The site is simple to use: The top categories at the top of the page are going to be your guide ( NEWS, RECIPES, FORUM, FACEBOOK GROUP, MEMBER STORE) and anytime you want to post any questions under any topics just scroll to the bottom of the page where you will see a box to type in.

    Sugar will come in the form of your fruits, and you are allowed 2 servings per day as mentioned in the approved foods list in the book. You can also use Stevia as a sweetener, but use sparingly because it acts as sugar in the body!

    Quest Protein powder is the protein shake we recommend if you are on the go, and cannot make a meal with protein! They are nice to have on hand. Any flavor works.



    Dorothy Soufy
    Karma Coins: 2 965

    Can you define using “stevia” sparingly? Also if you have’nt hit all of your calories can you have an extra fruit?



    Once or twice a day for Stevia is usually enough. With fruit try and just eat the recommended serving portions. Too much sugar can get you off track…I would try and get your allotment for the right calories each day with proteins like nuts and or cottage cheese!



    Lisa Crawford
    Karma Coins: 545

    Is there a reason you can’t have scallops on phase 1?


    Compassion I.
    Karma Coins: 1 110

    I need help with the ratios on protein. the book says 5 servings a day but if I do 5 5oz servings that is way too may calories. Is there a certain ratio for grams of protein a day, fat, etc.?
    I need help, I work a lot and just need easy food to take to work and eat.


    Karma Coins: 0

    Hi Compassion l,

    On page 69 of the Ps1000 handbook, it explains that this plan should use the 40C-30P-30F rule. This is what I have been trying to use along with the list of approved foods. There is no wiggle room on what to eat as far as I could tell. I use an IOS app, MyNetDiary and put in the number of calories 1000 and used Macros to keep track to make sure I don’t exceed the 40% carbs, 30% Proteins and 30%Fats per day. I put those into my app and as I prepare my meals and snacks, I make sure I don’t exceed these amounts. I found if I consume only what is on the list on pages 19-22, and in the 3 meals and 2 snacks, I am staying right on the macros and calories. I use salads when going out along with packets of Tuna for protein. The shakes are easy as well. Good luck! Shirley


    Compassion I.
    Karma Coins: 1 110

    Hi Shirley, thank you. Is that for Phase 1 or after we lose the weight? That’s what I’m not sure about. It seems like 5-5oz servings a day of protein is way more than that. When I look at the recipes they use less, I think.


    Karma Coins: 0

    Hi Compassion l. I don’t usually eat 5 ounces 5 times per day. I am not sure why that is listed because looking at the protein and calories, most are not that many ounces. That is why I use the 30P-40C-30F as that tells me I can have 300 calories in protein on phase 1. Since calories allowed increases in phase 2 to 1500, I will be allowed 450 calories per day. Hope this helps.




    Hi Lisa,

    Scallops have been a question of concern in the past. Many people eat them sparingly, while others avoid. It is up to you! There was an article somewhere about scallops containing parasites (not sure where I saw this!?) but maybe that is why they are not on the list! They are very similar to shrimp though. I would say eat with caution if you love them 🙂


    Debbie Roberts
    Karma Coins: 400

    I will begin this program on Monday and I was going to buy supplements today. In the booklet it recommends several. I would like to know which ones are the best and when to take them.



    The supplements at your leisure as everyone’s stomachs react differently to different brands! The vitamin store will be able to point you in the right direction on a multi vitamin and omega 3. Most vitamins are best taken in the morning.

    As far as the PS1000 supplements, it is important to make sure you are not taking the B complex (if you purchased it) or the metabolic burst drops together. Space them out about 15 minutes apart. The B Complex can be taken in the morning or in the afternoon, but does not need to be taken three times per day like the metabolic burst drops.


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