News Forums Nutrition Ask Nutritionist Phase vs phase two?

3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Jessica Romeo 8 years, 8 months ago
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    Cassie Giddings
    Karma Coins: 535

    Hi, I’m at day 31 and have lost 10 1bs, and have a goal for 10 more, I leave for vacation in one week and was planning on going on phase two, however I wonder if I should stick to phase one until I meet my goal and then go to phase two? Weight loss is going very slow but steady!


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    I say do a hybrid….stay as much as you can on Phase one, but if this is causing you immense stress just increase your calories a tad and only add in like some additional fruits like a banana. This can help you stave off any temptations that are far more detrimental like say cake…Does this help? I think the main thing is don’t stress out and not enjoy yourself, but do remember that you will feel better if you don’t eat a bunch of foods that your body may not agree with. Just do your best! I also have an article that may help:

    Have a great vacation!


    Cassie Giddings
    Karma Coins: 535

    Thanks, Jessica, the article was very helpful, I think keeping with phase one and watching fat and sugar while eating out will be key!
    creative decision making is the goal on this food and lifestyle change, now the test will be to scout out the right food and as you say, not to stree but enjoy eating healthy! Thanks again!


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    Yes you will enjoy feeling better while you are on vacation if you eat healthy! Great attitude and keep up the good work!

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