News Forums Newcomers Start Here Placed my order yesterday. Ready to change

4 replies, 5 voices Last updated by Joanna Leuschner 8 years ago
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    Tonya Boyd
    Karma Coins: 1 375

    Hello. I’m 45 years old and about 40 pounds overweight. I’m tired of not being able to do the things I want or keep up with my kids (avid hikers and backpackers) and I’m worried about my health. This summer I tore my meniscus while hiking and I’m quite sure my weight had a lot to do with it. I’m also starting to notice other health issues (reflux, etc) PLUS I’m tired of never knowing which pair of pants is going to fit (if any). It’s just time to get serious and do something. I’m bad about not sticking to healthy eating because I love junk food, but I can’t have both so here I am!


    Karma Coins: 0

    Congratulations on deciding to make this healthy change in your lifestyle. You won’t regret it!


    Jennifer Daniels
    Karma Coins: 3 755

    We all love things that are not good for us but this program is a chance to find foods you love but will not kill you in fact the new found energy that you get from eating good will then afford you the chance to find activities that you love so it is a win-win . DO not look at what you did in the past look and where you will be in the future. Think lifestyle not diet. You have the support of the group so use it when you get weak and let us be your strength. I am 17 days in and I have lost over 15 pounds and have been introduced to a whole new way of life. Prepping is the key to success and read the book twice. Plan a hike now with your kids and impress them and yourself with your new success.


    Michelle Bueno
    Karma Coins: 1 241

    I am also 45 and need to lose about 30 pounds. I had success last year (October-November) on this diet but got off track over the holidays. I am now restarting. I found that some days were easier than others. I like what @jennhosborn said: lifestyle, not diet. I think that mindset helps. Good luck!


    Joanna Leuschner
    Karma Coins: 2 900

    I’m right there with you! I have never been this heavy in my life and at only 28 my self-esteem has never been so low! I’m also tired and can’t walk far or fast anymore. It’s definitely time to change! We’ve got this!

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