News Forums PS1000 Plan Phase 1 Planning/Tracking

8 replies, 6 voices Last updated by Myriam Betancourt 7 years, 5 months ago
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    Trina C
    Karma Coins: 3 754

    Hi everyone. Just wanted to know how you are all doing with planning and actually tracking what you eat.
    I was very prepared and ready when I started my first week on phase 1. I bought and prepared everything I needed to be successful, and I rocked the whole week. I lost 7 lbs in week 1 and am so motivated to start week 2. BUT….I noticed something huge in my behaviour this weekend. I had a house full. All my kids were home and I did not track any of my food in take. I also didn’t weigh in until today(Sunday) I feel stressed. I can’t remember everything I ate. I didn’t measure anything because I thought in the back of my mind that I knew how big and how much my portions should be. I feel like I gave up my control. Don’t get me wrong, I did not eat anything not on my list, I just didn’t pay attention to struck measuring and I didn’t write anything down.

    I guess I will find out in the morning. I pray I didn’t sabatoge my success by being lazy. Monday is a new day. Fresh start. From now on everything will be tracked and planned. I can do this.

    Anyone else struggle with life getting in the way?


    Karma Coins: 0

    Trina- weekends are hard for me too. And you actually have a great description for something that happens to everyone….life gets in the way. Don’t beat yourself up if this happens and try not to stress too much about weigh in. Your first week sounds phenomenal and you are super stoked to start week two so that’s what’s important – your attitude! I doubt there’s one single person out there who hasn’t skipped a day of tracking. That you were able to keep to the approved food list with a house full of guests is amazing. This is week two for me as well (though it’s my second try at phase one.) Life kind of got in the way for me 🙂 Spent today getting the food prepped and I found that the motivation I get from the group helps me stay excited about my lifestyle change. Keep up the great work!


    Trina C
    Karma Coins: 3 754

    Thank you Robyn. I weighed in this morning. 216.6. No gain but no loss either. I’ll take that as a win??.

    So here’s to us and a great week 2. Keep me posted on how you do. Have you tried posting pics yet. I have and it is not an easy feat. Can’t rotate them can’t delete them. Would love to keep a photo diary on here to show my progress and scale pictures but I can’t figure it out. I now have doubles. Lol.

    Week 2 will be great. Have a wonderful day.

    Trina C


    Karma Coins: 0

    Trina – It’s been a few weeks. How is your progress? I had a weigh in at my doctors office and found out that my body fat % is actually going down! (contrary to what my “smart” scale says.) I have taken pictures for my own reference but guess I’m not super tech-savvy when it comes to attachments or downloads. I also shied away from taking measurements during my first month but was encouraged by a personal training coach to measure inches so that I could see proof of change even when the scale didn’t move. Happy to report progress as I keep plugging away. Hope you are doing well!


    T Riley
    Karma Coins: 1 010

    Trina, I was motivated by your post a few weeks ago, as it perfectly described a typical weekend at our house. I hope you viewed that particular day as a hiccup and looked at your no-loss/no-gain as a super achievement!! I am so impressed by your ability to stay on task surrounded by kids eating pretty much all the time. Please post your follow-up progress, as I am very interested. Thanks for posting when you did, it was really helpful to me in my first weekend in Phase I. Much success to you on your health journey.


    Laura Singletary
    Karma Coins: 3 492

    Hello, I found that writing in a food log was very time consuming. I started using an app for my phone, Lose It. That makes tracking a bit faster. I only use the basic app, don’t spend the $ for premium. Good luck to all.


    Sandra Heywood
    Karma Coins: 630

    Really appreciate hearing your experience. I’m getting ready to experience week 1 (starting next week, end of July). It is really helpful to have some idea of what others are going through who are farther along – but not SO far along that I cannot relate. 🙂 I am inspired by your dedication! Thank you for sharing.
    Also – I am happy to hear about the tracking app Lose It. I’ll definitely check it out! Keep up your great work and keep sharing so you can motivate us all.


    Laura Singletary
    Karma Coins: 3 492

    Thanks @sandralee67 I feel good and still don’t feel hungry or deprived. Tomorrow will start week 2 and will check my weight. I feel like I can be successful. Hardest part for me is drinking 100 oz of water. Good luck!


    Myriam Betancourt
    Karma Coins: 950

    Hi all, I am Myriam and I just placed my order. I am just starting to read the information provided and it all seems so overwhelming. I would just like to start with what to do first. Is there a weekly planner for all meals? TIA, Myriam

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