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5 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Jackie Nagel 7 years, 2 months ago
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    Jackie Nagel
    Karma Coins: 85

    Hi Everyone, I just ordered my program today and am looking forward to digging in.

    Being postmenopausal has been a contributing problem to my difficulty in losing weight. Do any of you have advice/encouragement for someone like myself?

    Thanks, in advance.


    Elizabeth Estess
    Karma Coins: 1 580

    I am post-menopausal, too, and this is a great diet. I follow Rachel Fiske’s meal plan and try to work out 5 times a week doing HIIT at the gym and hiking on weekends or salsa dancing with friends or just about anything to keep from just sitting around.

    Good luck to you!


    Jackie Nagel
    Karma Coins: 85

    Thanks @Elizatheestes! That’s very encouraging.


    Jackie Nagel
    Karma Coins: 85

    @Elizabethestess, I did uncover the 7 day meal plan. It’s really good! What did you do following the first week? Did you find another meal plan by Rachel or create your own?


    Elizabeth Estess
    Karma Coins: 1 580

    I have just been eating the same things each week from the sample meal plan that I really like. So, I’ve been packing the salads like the shrimp orange mint salad and arugula, pear and pepper salad, etc. plus snacks she lists everyday in my lunch. I like them and have not been tired of them so far and it’s been over a month.


    Jackie Nagel
    Karma Coins: 85

    Good to know. Thanks!

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