News Forums Newcomers Start Here PROTEIN POWDER

6 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Paul Hartley 7 years, 8 months ago
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    HD Walden
    Karma Coins: 935

    I have just ordered the program and waiting on my order but I have a question about the protein powder. I read on the site somewhere but not able to find it again about how much carbs is allowed in the protein powder. I have a brand new jar of Vegan Protein Powder with Monk Fruit for sweetener. It has 120 calories per serving with 2.5 gs fat and 4g carbs and 20gs protein. Does that sound acceptable? I buy my protein powder from Sprouts in Norman. I am starting with the recipes while waiting on the order. Your thoughts.



    Welcome to the program! In the book the guidelines for protein powder are: Less than 4 grams of carbohydrates, 20+ grams of protein, and less than 120 calories per scoop.

    We recommend Quest protein powder for people who don’t have a protein powder already that falls within the guidelines!



    HD Walden
    Karma Coins: 935

    Seems mine will do fine. It is brand new so I will use this one befor buying the Quest brand. Thank you so much. I am looking forward to getting my order.


    Karma Coins: 0

    Hi HD,

    Welcome to the program. There is no requirement to use the Quest. If your powder meets the requirements and you like it, stick with it. I hated the taste of the Quest myself but found one that had less calories but the same amount of protein and carbs. I went with it. I use the Quest in baking. It worked fine in recipes, so I didn’t waste my money. Good luck with the program and always feel free to keep asking questions. We all learn from the answers!



    HD Walden
    Karma Coins: 935

    Thank you Shirley. My order is scheduled to be here today. I am excited to start. So most people keep calories at 1000 while on phase 1


    Karma Coins: 0

    Well, HD, I try to keep mine at that level but I know others go for lesser amounts but definitely do not go below 800. As long as you stay between 800-1000 if you are not exercising, you should be ok. I have a hard time losing weight and have found that my body goes into starvation mode easily, so I eat at the upper end of the spectrum. If you exercise, you should add a little more to your calories depending on how long you exercise. I don’t have my book with me right now, so I can’t tell you the exact amounts.


    Paul Hartley
    Karma Coins: 750

    HD, hello, I am wondering what name brand powder did you purchase? I want something the is within the limits and tastes halfway good. Thanks Paul Hartley.

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