News Forums Newcomers Start Here Question ??

9 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Cory L 7 years, 9 months ago
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    Cory L
    Karma Coins: 3 540

    Hey … so I’ve got my stuff and I’m debating when to start the program. I’m a teacher so we have a 22 minute lunch window, and I’m not sure I’ll remember to do my drops early enough during class to actually be able to eat during my lunch period. I’d much prefer not to eat in front of my students if I missed the time for the drops …. so now I’m thinking about postponing my start until summer begins. Any thoughts or suggestions on this??


    Samantha Rogers
    Karma Coins: 2 135

    Hi there! I say…why wait? If you start now you’ll be that much further ahead. How about setting alarms on your phone to remind you to take your drops? If one of them falls at a mealtime, adjust it to 15 minutes before. I hope this helps!


    Cory L
    Karma Coins: 3 540

    Yeah, I’ve pondered that too … I think part of my problem is just getting started. I just want to do this right and fear kinks will throw me off. But it’s better to begin than not … soooooo, here goes nothing.


    Samantha Rogers
    Karma Coins: 2 135

    You’ll do fine, seriously. Try out the menus on to keep things interesting. You’ll get the hang of things really quickly. When the weight starts coming off, you’ll be motivated to continue and you’ll get creative too! I’ve learned that when I ‘mess up’ (we all do), I just get right back on plan. 🙂


    Cory L
    Karma Coins: 3 540

    Thank you!!!!


    Cory L
    Karma Coins: 3 540

    When you say try the menus, do you mean the recipes? Or are there actual meal plans laid out?


    Samantha Rogers
    Karma Coins: 2 135

    There is a free downloadable menu plan on (member store) and there’s another you can buy for $7.95. Additionally, the book has 2 sample daily menus. Additionally members post recipes to the facebook support group. Once on the support group page, go to “files” and you’ll find recipes and other helpful info there.


    Shawnle Jones
    Karma Coins: 705

    I am a teacher too and usually end up with a 15 minute lunch. I am sneaky and do the drops behind a closed cabinet door where they don’t see me, then I don’t talk to them for one whole minute (I set my timer). By the time I can eat after waiting 15 minutes, it seems to work out pretty good.


    Karma Coins: 0

    I use my fitbit alarm to remind me when to take my drops. It also means that I time my snacks and meals well enough to keep my metabolism working throughout the day. The hardest thing to do sometimes is take that first step. But as stated above, you will be so glad that you did. Best wishes for your great success!


    Cory L
    Karma Coins: 3 540

    I went ahead and started on Saturday. 2 days in, and so far so good. Today will be my first day at school with my students, I’m debating how to pull off the drops without a lot of student questions. Gotta love their curiosity. 🙂 I’ve definitely had the slight headache and am looking quite forward to the week being finished so that goes away.

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