News Forums Nutrition Ask Nutritionist Rate of weight loss

3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Vanessa Niemi 7 years, 11 months ago
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    Vanessa Niemi
    Karma Coins: 9 110

    Is there a rate of weight loss that should be considered of concern or unhealthy? I have heard that the best and safest number is 1-2 pounds per week. I know my body fluctuates wildly based on bowel movements, menstration and intake of food and water to name a few variables.
    I weighed myself this morning and over the weekend I had an 8 pound drop! I didn’t even record it because I didn’t trust the number (I hopped on about 5 times to recheck!). I typically only weigh twice a week but I will likely check tomorrow to see where I am. In this case I kind of hope I gain a little weight.
    And in case anyone needs to know I am strict on the program. No cheating. I’m on my fifth week. I need to lose a total of 100 pounds and I’m already down 20 pounds (based on Friday’s weight).


    Karma Coins: 0

    Wow! That’s a lot of weight to lose in just 2 days. Did you go shopping or do anything extra that could have burned a bunch of calories? I am anxious to see what the nutritionist has to say. Congratulations on your total weight loss.



    Rate of weight loss varies on a variety of things actually! Everyone’s hormonal function, metabolic function, and body chemistry are so unique (which is special) but it will be the culprit for a variety of outcomes regarding weight loss. 1-2 pounds is great. We have others losing 1/2 pound per day on the 1st phase due to their amount of weight lost. Those who need to lose more weight will typically see larger amounts coming off at once (at the beginning). Those who only need 10-20 will be a little slower rate. Those last pounds are always stingy! 8 pounds is nothing out of the ordinary, and a lot of it could be due to water weight fluctuation too!

    Keep at it, and remember the number on the scale is only a number. It is not the end all be all to your weight loss success. Getting healthier overall is the goal!

    -Hope this helps


    Vanessa Niemi
    Karma Coins: 9 110

    Thanks Lauren! I was pretty alarmed. I will keep in mind all of the factors involved. I will weigh myself tomorrow morning. I have told myself that my weight is a series of hills and valleys with a general downward direction. Maybe today was a big valley!
    And I am super excited about eating healthy. I start exercising tomorrow and that will be my step 2. You are SO right! Definitely more to be excited about than just weight loss.

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