News Forums Newcomers Start Here Ready to start but need help!

2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Renee Kee 8 years ago
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    blanca rosas
    Karma Coins: 1 320

    Hello…my name is Blanca and I bought the products over a month ago because I was ready to do this…but after the reading the handbook and making my notes…I don’t know how to start…not sure how to plan it out how to go grocery shopping, Can someone give me tips on how to start and have it all planned out so I do this right…thank you all!!

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by blanca rosas.

    Athea Boucher
    Karma Coins: 400

    Hi Blanca!

    I just received my drops in the mail last week. I am excited to get started too. 🙂

    I would first download the 7 day menus plan that is found in the Member Store. at the bottom.

    This gives some great examples and can help you with your first grocery list.

    Get your groceries all together, figure out what recipes you are going to make and get what you need prepped for the week.

    Then it is a matter of waking up, taking your drops, eating your 3 meals and 2 snacks and getting an hour of exercise in…and voila, you have finished the first day!

    Day by day you will be feeling the benefits physically and mentally.

    I understand it can be daunting to make lifestyle changes like these but in the end, it will be so worth it!!

    I hope I helped!

    Take care and be strong.



    Renee Kee
    Karma Coins: 895

    I don’t see Pomegranate on the fruit list. are they ok and would half be the correct portion?

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