News Forums Newcomers Start Here Ready to do this

5 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Trish MacD 7 years, 10 months ago
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  • #14513

    Trish MacD
    Karma Coins: 855

    Hi there!

    This process actually scares me because I can never seem to stick to a diet. I have 40 lbs to lose. I am 163lbs today. I know I will love “the new me” I’m just afraid of the journey.


    Karma Coins: 0

    Trish – Welcome! It’s not just a cliche…A journey of a 1000 miles starts with a single step. You’ve made that all important step so be prepared to totally enjoy the journey to a new healthier you. You will hear alot of fellow members tell you that this is not a diet – it is a lifestyle change (I’m one of them.) Planning and prepping your meals will ease you in to this new way of eating. And there is wonderful support for you here and on the PS1000 Facebook page. Best wishes for great success!


    David Taylor
    Karma Coins: 350

    You can do it Trish. I started PS 1000 at the beginning of December and found it easier than expected, and I was not hungry between meals. Please keep us updated.


    Trish MacD
    Karma Coins: 855

    Thanks for the support! I appreciate it!


    Karma Coins: 0

    Welcome Trish! I think I have tried every diet there ever was. I finally decided I didn’t want to do this anymore. I wanted to change myself to be a healthy person living a healthy lifestyle. I found PS1000 and this plan just clicks for me. I need structure to learn from and this program gives structure but also enough flexibility that I can eat things I want just in a healthier way. I love looking for recipes and trying new things. I wish you the best and let me know if I can help you in any way.


    Trish MacD
    Karma Coins: 855

    Thanks Dhirley. Today is day one 🙂

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