News Forums Newcomers Start Here Ready!!!

6 replies, 5 voices Last updated by Karen Johnson 8 years ago
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    Karen Johnson
    Karma Coins: 760

    Hi! Just received the plan and drops and ready to start tomorrow. Luckily this week I started packing a lunch and snacks for work, a habit I hope will stick quick. I hate to cook so will be looking for really easy prep recipes and ones I can get my husband interested in prepping for me.

    Really excited for the start of the next new phase of my life…. Coincidentally today is my Birthday so the timing is perfect.


    Lynda Bryce
    Karma Coins: 1 995

    I’m excited for you, Karen. I’m waiting for my package. Hoping it’s here soon. I also hate to cook so I have been sticking to really simple things but also things that I really like. I need to work on getting all of that water into me. Good luck! Will be watching to see how you are doing.


    Karma Coins: 0

    Happy birthday! PS1000 is a great gift to yourself.


    Karen Johnson
    Karma Coins: 760

    Thank you! Day one is over. I managed to drink all that water. :). It wasn’t bad at all. I am lucky my job keeps me really busy. I have a hard time even getting a minute to eat. I think the key is going to be planning ahead of time.


    Donna Elbert
    Karma Coins: 1 690

    Happy Birthday – I am starting tomorrow (Monday). Getting my weekly plan ready so I have no excuses. Hope to hear how you are doing…..Have a great week. Donna


    J Larsen
    Karma Coins: 2 615

    Happy Birthday, there is no better gift to give yourself then the gift of health. Best to you on your journey


    Karen Johnson
    Karma Coins: 760

    Hi! I’m 5 days in and down 7 lbs. probably all water but will take it any way I can. Interested to hear how your first day went Donna. One day at a time.

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