News Forums Newcomers Start Here Results?

2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Sharon Sanderson 7 years, 3 months ago
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    RjaCP LuSbdq
    Karma Coins: 570

    Hello, I’m new to the program and I have a question. I am 8 days in and haven’t seen any results. I weigh the same as when I started the program; I weigh myself every day as the booklet says to. When can I expect to see results? I’ve seen many posts indicating folks have lost 10 or more pounds in the first 2 weeks. I’m disappointed and becoming discouraged. Can any offer any advice?

    Thank you!


    Angela Demma
    Karma Coins: 3 110

    It is hard to say why. Yes usually you loose in 1st week and it can be quite a bit.
    I would say definitely reach out to support on here. Make sure you have your food journal as maybe there is something they can assist with.
    Are you exercising also? Drinking your water?
    How much are you trying to loose?


    Sharon Sanderson
    Karma Coins: 2 471

    You will lose weight, but if you have been on a number of diets prior to this, it may take your body time to get with the program. Get a good digital scale and make sure that you weigh your food. I find portion sizes tend to creep up unless I do. Also drink your water. I was drinking 8 and I need to drink 12.

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