News Forums Nutrition Ask Nutritionist Sugar free gum,


4 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Jessica Romeo 8 years, 10 months ago
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  • #2904

    Karma Coins: 0

    Is it acceptable in any of the phases?


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    Marcella, if you are using the gum to keep you from mindlessly eating or from eating non-approved foods then I would say yes go ahead, just make sure it is sugar-free. Just don’t make this a habit….eventually you will not have cravings, at least that is the goal. The thing with gum is that it activates the salivary glands and tricks your brain into thinking that you are eating which makes you then begin releasing the enzyme Amylase which happens when you begin eating…it’s the enzyme that starts the digestion process and it happens in your mouth….So I guess the short story is your brain starts thinking you are eating and you really aren’t so there is this sort of brain, body and digestion confusion that can happen. This in turn can cause some hormonal confusion which can end up making your cravings worse. Again though this is if gum-chewing becomes habit, if you just pop a piece every now and then and move on with life while also avoiding eating a doughnut then by all means do it!


    Karma Coins: 0

    Great, makes sense. Thank you so much.


    Susan Carson
    Karma Coins: 260

    I actually do this when I’m at my wits end, and need something sweet! For some reason, during my pregnancy, after I ate, I hated the taste of food in my mouth, and would reach for something sweet, to get rid of it. I then started doing it all the time, just a cookie or something, I would rationalize! Now that I can’t do that, I reach for a sweet minty piece of gum, and it has helped me tremendously to not grab a cookie or some candy after dinner!


    Jessica Romeo
    Karma Coins: 17 256

    Susan that is awesome! A total win in my opinion, anything as benign as gum that can bust us out of that terrible bad habit loop is a win to me!

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