News Forums Nutrition Sweets/Cravings Sweeteners besides Stevia

2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Julie Busse 7 years, 1 month ago
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    D Castele
    Karma Coins: 1 000

    I am not a fan of Stevia, but sometimes I just need to sweeten something a little bit. Can I use Swerve (erythritol) or Xylitol? These sweeteners taste much better than stevia. Anyone out there know if these are OK to use on the plan?



    Sweet leaf is a good alternative- I would steer clear of erythritol at this time… Xylitol is also hard on your stomach so be mindful there too! Not many people are using Xylitol as a sweetener of choice. I would experiment to see how your body feels!

    Stevia is the recommended sweetener if you have to use one though!



    Julie Busse
    Karma Coins: 1 555

    Lauren… could I use Crystal Light Pure (with Stevia)? Before I started… I was a huge Crystal Light drinker… I have switched to just water and getting my 64 oz and then some daily… struggling with the water as I need some kick and flavor and miss my crystal light. Would that switch be ok? Thanks for your reply…

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