News Forums General Depression and Weight Issues Too few calories and depression

4 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Vanessa Niemi 7 years, 9 months ago
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    Vanessa Niemi
    Karma Coins: 9 110

    Hi all,
    So after six weeks on the program my mood started to plummet. My doctor wasn’t thrilled with the 1000 calories to begin with. Because of the severity of the depression I was falling into the doctor bumped me up to 1400 calories. So I am still on the eating program but I have to eat more calories. I have to say that after a week of eating 1400 calories my mood is better. This is just a cautionary tale for others. Please be aware of your mental and physical health. 1000 calories is low and this might be something to be aware of.


    Karma Coins: 0

    Hi Vanessa! I am sorry to hear that you were having problems with the plan. I used to work with WEIGHTLOSS supplements and sometimes when you start eating clean healthy foods and taking vitamins and supplements your body will suffer “due-off”. You can suffer from numerous symptoms. That might be one of the reasons for your depression. You might want to google die off symptoms to see what symptoms will can happen. Currently I am having headaches, muscle aches and pains and I am adjusting the vitamins I am taking to see if that helps me. Good luck!


    Karma Coins: 0

    Vanessa – Sorry to hear about your adverse symptoms. I think the best thing that you did was include your physician in your weight loss plans. That way, since we are all so uniquely different, there is someone in your corner that knows your health and can make suggestions to get you through the tough spots. Changing what you are eating to healthier choices, cutting out processed foods and foods high in fat, salt and sugars is an enormous step in the right direction and can only do your body good. I hope things start to look up for you!


    Chelsey Shaul
    Karma Coins: 1 045

    This scares me a bit as I struggle with depression and don’t want this program to bottom me out ???


    Vanessa Niemi
    Karma Coins: 9 110

    It is good to be cautious if you struggle with mental health issues. My advice would be to talk to your psychiatrist or family doctor about the diet. Express your concerns. I would also recommend just listening to your body and your emotions. You probably know yourself pretty well and would hopefully pick up on any warning signals before life got too rough.
    Unfortunately I didn’t catch it in time and I had to go off of the diet while my care team helps me to straighten this out. I actually have bipolar so life for me can turn into a real mess if I’m not careful. I can’t just go on antidepressants because that can trigger a manic episode.
    Just pay attention to yourself, talk to your doctors and hopefully it will work out for you! While I was on the plan I was very successful with losing weight and it felt wonderful to be eating so healthy and taking care of myself. Good luck to you! And if you are super afraid, try following the plan, but with more calories. It will be a slower process but with less risk. My psychiatrist wanted 1400 minimum.

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